281-CCC WG4 Members |
Chairlady: Prof. Yao Yan
Secretary: Dr. Xinyu Shi
Address: China Building Materials Academy, Guanzhuang Dongli 1#, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100024, China.
Phone: 86-10-51167489
Fax: 86-10-51167954
E-mail: shixy1994@qq.com
Prof. Jingzhou Lu |
Last name
First name
Date of birth
Yantai University
School of Civil Engineering, Yantai University, Yantai, 264005, P.R.CHINA
Brief Curriculum Vitae
1992.9-1996.7 School of Civil Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Liaoning Province, P.R. China, B.S. in Civil Engineering
1996.9-2001.12 School of Civil Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Liaoning Province, P.R. China, Ph. D in Hydraulic Structural Engineering
2002.1-2003.12 Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Post-doctor
2004.1-2007.11 School of Civil Engineering, Yantai University, Associate professor
2007.12-Present School of Civil Engineering, Yantai University, Professor
2009.10-2010.10 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Visiting Scholor (CSC)
Research interests related to the TC 281-CCC WG4
The effect of damage history on the dynamic compressive strength of concrete
The effect of combined actions, load and environment factors (such as sulfate attack, freeze-thaw, carbonation), on the long-term performance of concrete material
The time-dependent constitutive relationship of concrete under combined actions
Relevant Publications
Jingzhou Lu ; Kongfeng Zhu; Lizong Tian; Li Guo, Dynamic compressive strength of concrete damaged by fatigue loading and freeze-thaw cycling, Construction and Building Materials, 2017.10.15, 152: 847~855
J. Lu ; G. Lin; Z. Wang; S.Xiao, Ultrasonic inspection of concrete subjected to triaxial compressive loading history, Magazine of Concrete Research, 2006.3.15, 58(3): 183~192
J. Lu ; G.Lin; Z.Wang; S.Xiao, Reduction of compressive strength of concrete due to triaxial compressive loading history, Magazine of Concrete Research, 2004.3.15, 56(3): 139~149
Jingzhou Lu; Li Guo; Ya Liu; Kongfeng Zhu, Experimental study of the damage on concrete subjected to combined act ion of fatigue loading and carbonation, Concrete, 2017(1):63-70 (Chinese)
Jingzhou Lu; Ya Liu; Kongfeng Zhu; Yanming Shao, Damage behaviors of concrete due to sulfate attack in wet-dry cycle environment after experiencing historical load, Concrete, 2017(2):37-41 (Chinese)
Kongfeng Zhu; Jingzhou Lu; Li Guo; Liqiang Tong, Experimental Study on Dynamic Compressive Behaviors of Frozen-Thawed Concrete, Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society, 2017,36(12):4277-4283 (Chinese)
Jingzhou Lu; Lizong Tian; Liqiang Tong; Ying Liu; Kongfeng Zhu, Strength Deterioration Mechanism of concrete under Combined Action of Axial Compression and Sulfate Attack, 2018,21(3): 370-375 (Chinese)
Jingzhou Lu; Lizong Tian; Liqiang Tong; Kongfeng Zhu, Dynamic Properties of Concrete Subjected to Combined Action of Fatigue load and Freeze-thaw Cycles, Journal of Basic Science and Engineering, 2018,26(5):1055-1066 (Chinese)