246-TDC Members
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Chairlady: Prof. Yao Yan
Secretary: Dr. Xinyu Shi
Address: China Building Materials Academy, Guanzhuang Dongli 1#, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100024, China.
Phone: 86-10-51167489
Fax: 86-10-51167954
E-mail: shixy1994@qq.com
Dr. Leandro F. M. Sanchez


Last name




First name









University of Ottawa – Department of Civil Engineering


161, Louis Pasteur (A515), Ottawa ON, Canada K1N 6N5

Brief Curriculum Vitae

I’m originally from Brazil and received a B.S. in civil engineering from Maua School of Engineering (Sao Caetano do Sul, Brazil) in 2004, a MASc in civil engineering from the University of Sao Paulo (Sao Paulo, Brazil) in 2008 and a PhD in earth sciences from Laval University (Quebec, Canada) in 2014. From 2014 to 2015, I pursued a post-doctoral fellowship at McGill University (Montreal, Canada).

Since July 2015, I was appointed as assistant professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Ottawa. My research interestes center on two major themes: a) assessment of the actual damage (diagnosis) and the potential for further deterioration (prognosis) of aging concrete infrastructure, especially under combined environmental actions and mechanical load and; b) designing high-performance materials for sustainable development in concrete construction. I am also currently involved in several technical committees worldwide such as ACI (201-durability; 236-materials science of concrete), RILEM (avoiding alkali-aggregate reaction in concrete structures; alkali-aggregate reaction prognosis; structural behaviour and innovation of recycled aggregate concrete) and IBRACON (alkali-aggregate reaction; concrete durability).


Research interests related to the TDC

As prior mentioned, my research interestes center on two major themes: a) assessment of the actual damage (diagnosis) and the potential for further deterioration (prognosis) of aging concrete infrastructure, especially under combined environmental actions and mechanical load and; b) designing high-performance materials for sustainable development in concrete construction.

In the first research theme, I have worked on characterizing damage in concrete (diagnosis) distressed mainly due to alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR), one of the main deleterious processes affecting the durability of concrete infrastructure worldwide. I have explored and improved some microscopic and mechanical tools for evaluating AAR damage degree and progress in concrete. I have also investigated the implications of the use of the prior tools for assessing different damage mechanisms such as delayed ettringite formation (DEF) and freezing and thawing cycles (FT), single or coupled with AAR. Moreover, during my PhD and post-doctoral research years, we made contributions to the evaluation of AAR further development (prognosis) in critical aging infrastructure.

However, even though the test procedures developed over my PhD and post-doctoral procedures were quite successful, I strongly believe that we can only represent what is found in the field once the environmental actions are coupled to mechanical loads and that’s why I have interest in participating in this Committee.  

In the second research theme, I’m currently working with the use of structural sustainable materials (i.e. recycled concrete aggregates – RCA and low-cement content concrete – LCC) in new construction. Therefore, my interests here are to try to understand how the different microstructures provided by these new materials would influence their mechanical behaviour ate both materials and structural scales. Moreover, how would be the performance of these materials in harsh climates such as those found in Canada? Hence, there is a lot of interest on the understanding of the coupling environmental conditions/loading and structural performance of sustainable materials.

Relevant Publications


Sanchez, L. F. M., Fournier, B., Jolin M, Bastien, J. Evaluation of the Stiffness Damage Test (SDT) as a tool for assessing damage in concrete due to ASR: input parameters and variability of the test responses. Construction and Building Materials, vol. 77, 20-32, 2015.

Sanchez, L. F. M., Fournier, B., Jolin M., Duchesne, J. Reliable quantification of AAR damage through assessment of the damage rating index (DRI). Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 67, 74-92, 2015.

Sanchez, L. F. M.; Multon. S.; Sellier, A.; Cyr, M.; Fournier, B., Jolin M. Comparative study of a chemo–mechanical modeling for alkali silica reaction with experimental evidences. Construction and Building Materials, vol. 72, 301-315, 2014.

Sanchez, L.F.M., Fournier, B., Jolin M, Bastien, J. Evaluation of the Stiffness Damage Test (SDT) as a tool for assessing damage in concrete due to ASR: test loading and output responses for concretes incorporating fine or coarse reactive aggregates. Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 56, 213-229, 2014.

Sanchez, L.F.M., Kuperman, S.C., Helene, P.R.L. Using the accelerated Brazilian concrete prism test (ABCPT) to evaluate alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR). RIEM (Ibracon Structures and Materials Journal), n° 4, vol. 4, 575-581, October, 2011.

Sanchez, L. F. M., Fournier, B., Jolin M., Bedoya, M. A. B.; Bastien, J.; Duchesne, J. Use of the Damage Rating Index (DRI) to quantify damage due to alkali-silica reaction in concrete incorporating reactive fine and coarse aggregates. ACI Materials Journal. Submitted Paper. October, 2014.

Sanchez, L. F. M., Fournier, B., Jolin M, Bastien, J. Practical use of the Stiffness Damage Test (SDT) for assessing damage in concrete infrastructure affected by alkali-silica reaction. Cement and Concrete Composites. Submitted Paper. September, 2014.

Sanchez, L.F.M., Fournier, B., Jolin M., Bastien J. Use of the Stiffness Damage Test (SDT) for the condition assessment of concrete structures affected by alkali-silica reaction (ASR). 10th FIB International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Quebec, July, 2014. 

Sanchez, L.F.M., Fournier, B., Jolin M, Bustamante, M.A. B. Evaluation of the microscopic ASR features through the Damage Rating Index (DRI) for different concrete strengths and aggregate types (fine and coarse reactive aggregates). 14th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials, Denmark, June, 2013.

Sanchez, L.F.M., Fournier, B., Jolin M. The use of the Stiffness Damage Test (SDT) for the assessment of concrete structures damaged by alkali-silica reaction (ASR). 9th FIB International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Germany, July, 2012.