The 73rd RILEM Annual Week took place in Nanjing, China, on 26-30 August 2019. After five days of fun and inspiring, the RILEM Implementation Manager, Dr. Daniela Ciancio wrote a report to briefly introduce the conference agenda.
The following is part of his report:
China is big and so was the 73rd RILEM Annual Week and IMSCE event in Nanjing! Our full set of RILEM Standing Committees (DAC, TAC, EAC, Bureau and General Council), 6 TC meetings, a splendid conference with 17 keynote speakers, 6 plenary sessions, 289 delegates, 6-storey and 400,000 m2 conference venue connected to a 5-star hotel of 68 stories situated at Nanjing International Youth Cultural Centre designed by the famous architect Zaha Hadid: these are just some numbers and features that might give an idea of the extent of the event……
To see the complete report, please download the attached file: 73rd-RILEM WEEK AND IMSCE REPORT by RILEM Implementation Manager, Dr. Daniela Ciancio