To visualize directly the name of the RILEM Officers, the Director of Development and the General Secretariat, please click on this link.
How does RILEM Work?
RILEM is divided in different decision groups.
The Organisation of RILEM
The functions of RILEM are carried out by:
- The General Council,
- The Bureau which is assisted by:
- The Management Advisory Committee,
- The Technical Activities Committee,
- The Secretariat General.
The Technical Potential of RILEM
- More than 1200 experts are involved in our work.
- 700 members are active in RILEM Technical Committees (TCs)
- Five clusters coordinate the activities of RILEM TCs.
See the organization chart
The General Council
The General Council. The General Council is the decision-making body of RILEM. It is called upon to vote on all important decisions submitted by the Bureau. It is composed of National Delegates and, in some cases, National Representatives. When a National Group exists, it must designate a National Representative. In countries where no National Group exists, the RILEM National Delegate designates the National Representative after consulting the RILEM members in the country. The National Representative, like the National Delegate, has the right to vote at the annual meetings of the General Council and participates in the decisions which affect the life and development of RILEM. The Honorary Members, as well as the representatives of the Titular and Industrial Members, are invited each year to attend the General Council.
Members of the General Council
The Bureau
The Bureau, the members of which are elected by the General Council, exercises control of the current affairs of RILEM and ensures that the statutes are observed. It is responsible to the General Council to which it submits an annual report.
Members of the Bureau
The Management Advisory Committee
The mission of the MAC defines three directions:
- To evaluate RILEM Performance every 3rd year (a real auditing committee does not seem appropriate),
- To develop new ideas for a better promotion of RILEM activities,
- To propose improvements of the management and of the structure of the association, avoiding any overlapping with the missions assigned to the Bureau and to the TAC.
Members of the Management Advisory Commmittee
The Technical Activities Committee
All proposals submitted to RILEM, such as working programmes for new Technical Committees and objectives of conferences and workshops, are transmitted by the Secretary General to the TAC for examination. The Technical Advisory Committee presents recommendations to the Bureau. Twice a year, the TAC can also propose new RILEM activities. The TAC ensures that new activities fit within the framework of RILEM.
The TAC is coordinating the work of the Clusters.
Members of the Technical Activities Committee
The Educational Activities Committee
EAC promotes RILEM educational activities worldwide. This includes educational courses such as doctoral courses and short seminars for the profession (e.g. practicing engineers). EAC also promotes educational publications such as Text Books and other teaching material.
Members of the Educational Activities Committee
The Board of Editors
Once the Secretariat General has received the copyright agreement, the Editor-in-Chief has the responsibility of assigning each submitted paper (that falls within the scope of the journal) to an Associate Editor who will take charge of the review process. The Associate Editor selects a minimum of 2 reviewers for each paper and can either propose names of reviewers from the online database or create a new reviewer account. Once the reviews have been submitted, the Associate Editor prepares the summary of the comments, and his/her recommendation is sent to the Editor-in-Chief who makes the final decision and notifies it to the corresponding author of the paper.
Members of the Board of Editors
The Director of Development
The Director of Development (DD) is responsible for the business development and outreach activities of the association. Specifically, the DD is responsible for the implementation of strategic initiatives that were adopted by the Bureau such as broadening the membership of RILEM. Furthermore the DD should develop and evaluate new services for RILEM members and find ways to leverage and value the knowledge existing within RILEM and make available to potential users.
The DD is appointed by the Bureau and is also reporting to the President and the Bureau. He is participating as a non-voting member in the meetings of the Bureau and the Presidency. Furthermore, he is attending the meetings of the MAC and, if needed, the TAC as a non-voting member. He is keeping a close contact to the SG.
Director of Development
The Secretariat General
The Secretariat General implements the decisions of the General Council and the Bureau. It is responsible for the daily activities and management of the association. It furnishes the necessary assistance for the proper functioning of the Bureau and its Standing Committees. It also organises the first meeting of all new TCs and coordinates RILEM’s publishing activities (journal and books). Finally, it is responsible for disseminating information to the members of the association.
The Secretary General directs and coordinates all of the above activities.
Members of the Secretariat General |