The 4th TC meeting, Prague, Czech, 2019

In Attendance
TC members (26):
C. Andrade, N. de Belie, S.A. Bernal, Ö. Cizer, M. Etxeberria, G. Gluth,C. Grengg, Y. Guang, B. Huet, I. Ignjatović, S. Kamali-Bernard, I. Li, A. Marsh, C. Medina Martinez, J.L. Provis, P. Quo-Tri, Z. Shi, C. Thiel, M. Thomas, P. Van den Heede, A.Vollpracht, Stefanie von Greve-Dierfeld, B. Walkley, L. Wang, M. Zajac, Z. Zhao
Guests (3):
R. Sposito, Z. Wang, Y. Cao
Apologies (22):
A. Camoes, P. Dangla, V. Ducman, J. Elsen, C. Gehlen, E. Gruyaert, K-I. Imamoto, A. Kanellopoulos, X. Ke, S. Kessler, Q.-F. Liu, I. Martins, K. Olonade, R. Patel, J. Perko, K. Sideris, L. Valentini, H. Vanoutrive, Y. Villagran, T. Visalakshi, Y. Yao, S. Zhutovsky
Download the minutes of the Meeting of RILEM TC 281-CCC in Prague
Following presentation files can be found in Please contact managers of this website if you are interested in these presentations and have no membership of RILEM.
2019.09.17_RILEM TC CCC_ WG1&2_RRT_presentation
2019.09.17_RILEM TC CCC_ WG4 presentation_Ghent
2019.09.17_RILEM TC CCC_WG4_overview_presentation
2019.09.17_RILEM TC CCC_WG5_presentation
2019.09.17_RILEM TC CCC_WG6 presentation
2019.09.17_RILEM TC CCC_WP1&2_paper_presentation
2019.09.17_RILEM TC CCC_WP5_C. Andrade_presentation |