The 5th TC meeting, Guimaraes, Portugal, Monday 9 March 2020

In Attendance
Members (14 + 7 through Zoom):
Aires Camões, Anya Vollpracht, Bei Wu (Zoom), Charlotte Thiel, Cyrill Grengg, Elke Gruyaert, Gregor Gluth, Hanne Vanoutrive (Zoom), Janez Perko (Zoom), John Provis, Luca Valentini (Zoom), Miren Etxeberria, Natalia Alderete, Nele De Belie (chair), Philip Van den Heede, Qing-feng Liu (Zoom), Ravi Patel (Zoom), Semion Zhutovsky, Shishir Mundra, Tung-Chai Ling (Zoom), Zhengfeng Zhao (Zoom), Zhiyuan Liu
Guests (4 + 1 through Zoom):
Matea Flegar (University of Zagreb), Ognjen Rudic (Technische Universität Graz), Dan Geddes (University of Sheffield), Cassandre Le Galliard (University of Sheffield), Alastair March (Leeds university, Zoom)
Download the minutes of the Meeting of RILEM TC 281-CCC in Guimaraes.
Download and see the presentations.
WG1-2: The challenge of determining carbonation of modern concretes: An overview of testing methods
WG1-2: Interlaboratory test on carbonation testing methods
WG4: The recent progress of WG4
WG6: Carbonation of alkaliactivated concrete: status of activities